Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Chapitre 46: Happiness at work - Des gens heureux.

Voici une photo du chantier de construction pas trop loin du camping. Des gens tres fier de leur profession de travailleur de la construction. Les gars sifflent, sourissent et saluent les automobilistes au passage.

Sur l'heure du diner, les gars se font du B.B.Q. et entretiennent leurs 'jardin'.

This is a picture of the construction site not to far from are campground. The workers very pround of their profession. They are always smiling and saluting people driving by.

During lunch time, the boys are cooking on the B.B.Q and take care of the 'garden'.


Dom said...

et, i feel so flattered that you write your posts in two languages now.

i really hope your shoulder feels solid soon mate. get some serious blood flowing to that shoulder.
hey it could be worse.. an irritated shoulder or a totally blown tendon or bowstringing finger pulley.

i hate the rain too. im actually at the squamish library right now!!

Pépé said...

Hey Dom!

Cool that you made it to Squamish. How do you like the place? Is it up to your expectations? I Greg with you?

Anonymous said...

Yeah hope i will make it to Font this spring... but I'm going to start in college this september so everything is a bit uncertain...

I was in Mallorca trying out Deep water solo it was fun, but i like bouldering and sport better... annoying to get wet all the time...

Dom said...

no greg did not make it. i like squamish alot. it is the most beautiful place i have ever been i think. i really like the forest alot, i prefer it 1000X over something like chossua tree (joshua tree). it doesnt compare to bishop's proud independent lines, but there is alot of really fun climbing. it seems like everyone is here wish you were too etienne. went trad climbing two days ago with a local lady here named janet who knew you.