Sorry for the late post, I spent the last few days is Zurich desguised as a tourist. Nice city with old history. In the beginning of the 20th centurie, it was culturaly, technology and socialy one of the most advanced city if the Europe. Somewhere between St-Peter's churh and the University, someone came up with the idea that every child should have access to free education. In one of the side street, Lenin was brewing the Russian revolution while a few doors down, Voltaire and his friend were cooking up the French one. The University librarie was the biggest of it's kind and the train station had no rival with its 6 train tracks departing for all destinations.
It is fantastic to be here, in Magic Wood, in Zurich, in Europe, in South Africa. It is fantastic to be on the road. I am overwhelmed by the amount of people that I meet, the experiences that I live each day. We all come from different countries, have different cultures, ways of doing and dialect. Each place has something to say, a part of history to tell.
With my left shoulder chronically un-happy, I am aware that my time here will soon come to an end. I do not know what life as planned for me in the future but right now, my van is my home and it is a great place to be. I cherish every moment whether it is spent with friends laughing, playing giant chess game in the park, bouldering in the Woods or reading inscriptions on status and monuments.
Till next week.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Chapter 43: Un peu de tout...
Ca fait maintenant 4 semaines que je suis en Europe et je ne me suis pas ennuye une seconde. C'est tout comme si je venais tout juste de debarque de l'avion a Amsterdam. Le temps passe tres vite. Au rythme ou les choses vont, j'irai tres bientot chercher mon frere a l'aeroport Charle de Gaule a Paris.

Plus qu'un mois en Suisse. Ensuite, destination la France. J'y aie beaucoup d'amis - que j'ai rencontre on the road - qui m'y attendent deja. Encore une fois, on ne devrait pas trop s'ennuier.
Je suis encore a Magic Woods et je n'ai aucune intension d'aller voir ailleur. Les lignes sont toutes exceptionelles. J'en decouvre de nouvelles a chaque jour. Tellement que j'ai opter de diminuer le niveau de difficulte pour pouvoir en faire plus. J'avoue que la fatigue commence serieusement a prendre son compte. Avec le temps qui s'evapore, je suis loin de prendre le temps de repos necessaire. Aujourd'hui, j'ai bien tente d'alle faire quelque blocs mais il n'y avait rien a faire. J'ai due m'avoue vaincue et rebrousse chemin jusqu'au terrain de camping.

Je reviens tout juste du feu de camp ou des Autrichiens jouent de la guitare et chantent a s'en arracher les poumons. Les heures passent comme des secondes sont le charme des notes et du feu qui danse. Meme si le spectacle est quotidien, on ne s'en lasse jamais.
Il semble que le ciel n'aie plus d'eau a nous envoyer. Ca fait cinq jours que le soleil brille et on en profite tous. Les journees sont chaude mais les nuits tres froides, autour de 5 degres. Demain, je m'en vais m'acheter une couverture supplementaire, peu importe le prix.

Plus qu'un mois en Suisse. Ensuite, destination la France. J'y aie beaucoup d'amis - que j'ai rencontre on the road - qui m'y attendent deja. Encore une fois, on ne devrait pas trop s'ennuier.
Je suis encore a Magic Woods et je n'ai aucune intension d'aller voir ailleur. Les lignes sont toutes exceptionelles. J'en decouvre de nouvelles a chaque jour. Tellement que j'ai opter de diminuer le niveau de difficulte pour pouvoir en faire plus. J'avoue que la fatigue commence serieusement a prendre son compte. Avec le temps qui s'evapore, je suis loin de prendre le temps de repos necessaire. Aujourd'hui, j'ai bien tente d'alle faire quelque blocs mais il n'y avait rien a faire. J'ai due m'avoue vaincue et rebrousse chemin jusqu'au terrain de camping.

Je reviens tout juste du feu de camp ou des Autrichiens jouent de la guitare et chantent a s'en arracher les poumons. Les heures passent comme des secondes sont le charme des notes et du feu qui danse. Meme si le spectacle est quotidien, on ne s'en lasse jamais.
Il semble que le ciel n'aie plus d'eau a nous envoyer. Ca fait cinq jours que le soleil brille et on en profite tous. Les journees sont chaude mais les nuits tres froides, autour de 5 degres. Demain, je m'en vais m'acheter une couverture supplementaire, peu importe le prix.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Chapter 42:We have power!
We have power! We were finally able to trouble shoot the problem with the car lighter. The solution involved dismantling an entire dash board with an Swiss Army knife, getting a stronger ground, welding a new fuse and burning a few others in the process. The welding part was my favorite: Red heating a flat head screwdriver till it was hot enough to provide a second or two of melting capabilities. Three hours and a thank of propane later, we were ready to put everything back together.
This place is getting busier and busier with each passing week. It seems like the entire Europe is on vacation. Climbers come from everywhere. The Woods can easily accommodate all but I can't say the same about the campground. People have to pitch tents in the parking lot. With so many around, here are a few observations.
About Mullets:
They are back, in Europe anyway. It is the new fashion, specially in Spain and Poland. Cool! It is kind of a renaissance of the 80's and Wayne's World. One Polish guy - witch sadly left this morning before I could take a picture - pushed the envelope by combining a mullet with dreads. Yes, I know, it is hard to imagine but you can do it. Short on top with the long stick in the back...
About dreads:
Have you ever seen a dog with dreads?

About recycling:
I would expect Switzerland to be more incline to it then any other nations. After all, they monitor everything from consumption of clean water to waste water, gaz, electricity and garbage production. But we don't recycle. Nop, all goes to land fill, shame.
I owed you a few videos so no more of me and more bouldering.
Here is another. Nop, this is not Squamish.
This place is getting busier and busier with each passing week. It seems like the entire Europe is on vacation. Climbers come from everywhere. The Woods can easily accommodate all but I can't say the same about the campground. People have to pitch tents in the parking lot. With so many around, here are a few observations.
About Mullets:
They are back, in Europe anyway. It is the new fashion, specially in Spain and Poland. Cool! It is kind of a renaissance of the 80's and Wayne's World. One Polish guy - witch sadly left this morning before I could take a picture - pushed the envelope by combining a mullet with dreads. Yes, I know, it is hard to imagine but you can do it. Short on top with the long stick in the back...
About dreads:
Have you ever seen a dog with dreads?

About recycling:
I would expect Switzerland to be more incline to it then any other nations. After all, they monitor everything from consumption of clean water to waste water, gaz, electricity and garbage production. But we don't recycle. Nop, all goes to land fill, shame.
I owed you a few videos so no more of me and more bouldering.
Here is another. Nop, this is not Squamish.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Chapter 41: Power issues...
I have no power left.
Not in the finger but in the car. The cigarette lighter just gave up so I can't recharge the laptop. Doing my best to solve the problem.
Stay tune for more post.
Not in the finger but in the car. The cigarette lighter just gave up so I can't recharge the laptop. Doing my best to solve the problem.
Stay tune for more post.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Chapter 40: 38 hours and counting...
That is for how long it's been raining for. I was reading my log book this morning to find out that since I've been here - 13 days -, we've got more rainy days then anything else. Here, when it rains, it poors. Looks like the situation is the same everywhere. The campground is filled with licence plates from all over Europe. People are trying to escape the rain. As one of the viking would say: "when you chase the sun, the rain follows". The poor lad and his friends drove all the way from Sweden to Switzerland, 24 hours overall, desperatly trying to climb something along the way.
So far, the "E. van of love" is working just fine and keeping me dry. These lines are written from inside of it at candle light with a pot of tea on the stove.
Here are a few videos shot in between thunder showers. Kudo to the climbers who still manage to send despite wet holds.
So far, the "E. van of love" is working just fine and keeping me dry. These lines are written from inside of it at candle light with a pot of tea on the stove.
Here are a few videos shot in between thunder showers. Kudo to the climbers who still manage to send despite wet holds.
Some friends from Belgium. She'd been working the line for a while.
Chapter 39: Wow la Suisse!
Meme si il pleut depuis que j'y aie mie les pieds, le peut de paysage visibles a travers les eclaircies de nuages sont absolument superbes. Partout, on peut appercevoir de petits villages rustique a flanc de montagnes. Les routes de campagnes sont tout aussi spectaculaires. Carrement suspendue dans le vide, faut surtout pas chercher le bouton du volume du radio. Non monsieur, on laisse le tout tranquille et on regarde en avant.
Magic Wood, nom donner a l'endroit ou on grimpe, ressemble a s'y tromper avec Squamish. Andeer est le village le plus pres. Les rues y sont encore en pierre et les maisons paintes a la main. Je vous mets quelque photos bientot. L'approvisionnement en eau du village et du camping se fait a meme les ruisseaux qui coulent des montagnes environnantes.
Les villageois sont des gens tres fiers qui attachent un soins particuliers a conserver leurs coutumes et l'aspect rustique de l'endroit ou ils habitent. Je ne me surprend plus a voir un troupeaux de vaches - et elles ont tous une cloche au cou - se promener en avant de l'epicerie ou a etablir residence sur la seule route qui permet de traverser le village. Faut donc alle chercher le fermier proprietaire parce qui est le seule qui peu les faires bouger. Assez special comme experience.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Chapter 38: The woods are magic!
I am in Switzerland. Magic Woods!
It is fantastic. The forest is, well magic. If you've been to Squamish, you don't need to come here. No wait, you really need to come here. Although the forest looks exactly the same, the problems are so much better. The lines magnificent, everywhere. You just want to climb everything.
The landings you ask? This place makes Squamish landing look like a flat beach. You definitely need a lot of pads and spotter here. Wondering on your own is almost impossible.
Ok, a bit about the logistic now. Magic Woods is in the complete nowhere. They dont even sale ice at the grocery store. Finding an Internet connection is even more of a mission impossible. What I was able to get cost 1$ a minute. Better not make any typing mistake. Since it is very expensive, I will try to keep up with the weekly video and to answer you all, even with very short words so keep on writing.
The next post will be in french so no bitching Dom. It will give you an opportunity to learn the language of love.
I should stay here for a month or two, if it does not rain too much. Since I got here, all I can say is that I wish I brought my rubber boots. Kind of hard to go cranking in the rain. But we manage. It makes for great stories I tell you.
It is fantastic. The forest is, well magic. If you've been to Squamish, you don't need to come here. No wait, you really need to come here. Although the forest looks exactly the same, the problems are so much better. The lines magnificent, everywhere. You just want to climb everything.
The landings you ask? This place makes Squamish landing look like a flat beach. You definitely need a lot of pads and spotter here. Wondering on your own is almost impossible.
Ok, a bit about the logistic now. Magic Woods is in the complete nowhere. They dont even sale ice at the grocery store. Finding an Internet connection is even more of a mission impossible. What I was able to get cost 1$ a minute. Better not make any typing mistake. Since it is very expensive, I will try to keep up with the weekly video and to answer you all, even with very short words so keep on writing.
The next post will be in french so no bitching Dom. It will give you an opportunity to learn the language of love.
I should stay here for a month or two, if it does not rain too much. Since I got here, all I can say is that I wish I brought my rubber boots. Kind of hard to go cranking in the rain. But we manage. It makes for great stories I tell you.
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