Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chapter 18: fire bombs and poi poi.

Finaly, ladies and gentlemens, I was able to do some uploading.

Presenting to you the lovely kerie - see chapter 14 - spinning Poi Poi for you.

This is one video to look at. I told you about fire bombs, well, here it is.

Very simple to do: You need cooking oil, a burning fire, water and someone crazy. With Dom around - see chapter 14 -, the list was complete.

As soon as little Louis-Felix went to bed, J.T. couldn’t helped it and triggered the process with the now famous through town: "Let's blow some shit up". With Jessie as are resident expert in the field, the plan got executed to perfection. The result was quite entertaining.

Stay tuned, Tony sending High Brow is scheduled for the next post.


Anonymous said...

and you wonder why entire hillsides are on fire down there...?

Anonymous said...

HEH - that second video is wicked!

I'm teaching that trick to the Junior Team!


Anonymous said...

i'll give you a dollar if you try it right in front of f*tfigurefashions...
