Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chapter 16: Once will snow.

Due to very cold temperatures, we’ve been forced to the Table lands for the last few days. Yesterday, some dude got blown off Evilution while his spotters were running after the pads. Not good. Walking around in the Buttermilks was kind of fun: For a starter, going against the wind was a great workout. Second, you could see pads flying like kites in the sky - literally - on a regular basis. The chase that follows is also entertaining.

Been working hard lately, just no send. In the Buttermilks, I am slowly making my way up Mistery(12) and really want to get on Micheal Cain(12) - Get Carter boulder - as soon as the weather allows.

Today, we had a stellar but cold day in the Happies. I fell off the last move of Dirty boulevard(11) and still making progress on Mandance(11). I also had a walk to Bubba but buster(11). Very nice line starting on Toxic avenger. It should go down soon.

Hey Simon, I went back to Swordfish T. With some locals. The hold of the opening move has broken off making the thing much harder. You should get down here to help me figure it out.
I have tons of good video to show you guys, specially the one of Tony B. sending High Brow on the last try of the trip. Nice work Tony! I just can’t make the upload to Blogger. Something is wrong with the upload mechanism. Just stick around, the situation will hopefully be resolved soon.

I receive lot’s of emails about my traveling plans. Indeed, they changed a bit. Instead of heading to Europe right after leaving Bishop, I want to hit Rockland for the May-July time frame, then, Europe. Anybody interested?

Time to go find fire wood for tonight. It will be cold, water will freeze.

P.s. Queen of the highballs, good send on The Pursuit of Wow. I was on the line again today. You end up really high up. Kudos for you, Wow!


Unknown said...

Hi "ITI" we have seen you on Evilution from the car while we were departing for returning in Italy.... Good JOB!!!!
so many kisses to you and the other canadian boy (claudia, ben etc)
we hope to see soon in europe
marianna, marco

Anonymous said...

Hey hey!

Good friends from Italy. You guys left right on time. Bad weather and fires keep getting us from climbing. Some fisherman put the field in front of the Happies/Sad's on fire. Not good.

I will be checking your website.
