During the weekend, it was the Bishop trout fishing derbie. Some wise fisherman, lover of nature and the great outdoors decided to 'dispose' of his nicotine distributing device. It all burned, all of it: 150 acres.
Despite laws, signs, warnings and fires, millions are still throwing the cigarette but. Next time you see a smoker being stupid at you crag, say something. Remember, it could be your climbing/hunting/biking/running spot that gets closed down or burned out as a result of irresponsible behaviors.
holy shiiiiiat. thats crazy. can you still get to the happies? this is dom. i got a job yesterday at the climbing gym, i start today. that is good. did you get the letter i left? i hope all is well, and that the mystery and michael cain go down. allez allez!! you threw up the flag on mandance for a good reason, keep it that way. that is all for now, keep us posted.
Hey Dom!
Got your letter but it is at the Pit with the rest of my stuff. We got kicked out in a hurry by the cops and the firefighter. The blaze never crossed the road. We've been sleeping in the fareground for the last 2 nights. It sucks.
Clay got on the bus all right but Greg did not. Driving through town in the morning, I saw him. He is very very confused and is looking for a way to go back home now. I wish him good luck.
I will write you more as soon as I get access to your email address - which is at the campground :)-.
It is actually good that you went back home. Remember, on road trip must end for another one to start.
wow, you got evacuated?!! that is crazy. i hope all the chaos settles soon.
greg did not make it on the bus? wow that is crazy too. wow.
i think it was a good thing too, I got a job at the gym already, today was my first day of work, and I worked 9 hours straight just setting routes!! it was pretty sweet. I am looking forward to hearing from your email soon. give me some details regarding the craziness.
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