Wednesday, March 26, 2008
chapter 20: The end is the beginning.
After two months of pulling hard, my body is used and abused. As much as I want to keep squeezing, my muscles are disagreeing.
This is the last post before I head up North somewhere along the end of the coming weekend. Looking forward to enjoy shushi and BEvERageS with all of you.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Chapter 19: Super hot Tony!
This is Tony sending High Brow(V8) on the very last try of the very last day of the 'Bishop 2008 take over' tour. By the way, there is no hands spotting not because we are too lazy or don't like Tony, nop, it's because he is way above all of them. Ya, it's that high! This line gets two flying hearts in the guidebook.
What can't be seen on the video is Eric, Seonaid, Jeff and myself all sweating bullets with every attempts and failures. Tony, I have to brake it to you: You were soo happy to send but we were more happy then you.
It was good to have you around guys. I really hope that you are already planning the 'Bishop 2009 take over' tour.
Chapter 18: fire bombs and poi poi.
Presenting to you the lovely kerie - see chapter 14 - spinning Poi Poi for you.
This is one video to look at. I told you about fire bombs, well, here it is.
Very simple to do: You need cooking oil, a burning fire, water and someone crazy. With Dom around - see chapter 14 -, the list was complete.
As soon as little Louis-Felix went to bed, J.T. couldn’t helped it and triggered the process with the now famous through town: "Let's blow some shit up". With Jessie as are resident expert in the field, the plan got executed to perfection. The result was quite entertaining.
Stay tuned, Tony sending High Brow is scheduled for the next post.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Chapter 17: Burning...
During the weekend, it was the Bishop trout fishing derbie. Some wise fisherman, lover of nature and the great outdoors decided to 'dispose' of his nicotine distributing device. It all burned, all of it: 150 acres.
Despite laws, signs, warnings and fires, millions are still throwing the cigarette but. Next time you see a smoker being stupid at you crag, say something. Remember, it could be your climbing/hunting/biking/running spot that gets closed down or burned out as a result of irresponsible behaviors.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Chapter 16: Once will snow.
Been working hard lately, just no send. In the Buttermilks, I am slowly making my way up Mistery(12) and really want to get on Micheal Cain(12) - Get Carter boulder - as soon as the weather allows.
Today, we had a stellar but cold day in the Happies. I fell off the last move of Dirty boulevard(11) and still making progress on Mandance(11). I also had a walk to Bubba but buster(11). Very nice line starting on Toxic avenger. It should go down soon.
Hey Simon, I went back to Swordfish T. With some locals. The hold of the opening move has broken off making the thing much harder. You should get down here to help me figure it out.
I have tons of good video to show you guys, specially the one of Tony B. sending High Brow on the last try of the trip. Nice work Tony! I just can’t make the upload to Blogger. Something is wrong with the upload mechanism. Just stick around, the situation will hopefully be resolved soon.
I receive lot’s of emails about my traveling plans. Indeed, they changed a bit. Instead of heading to Europe right after leaving Bishop, I want to hit Rockland for the May-July time frame, then, Europe. Anybody interested?
Time to go find fire wood for tonight. It will be cold, water will freeze.
P.s. Queen of the highballs, good send on The Pursuit of Wow. I was on the line again today. You end up really high up. Kudos for you, Wow!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Chapter 15: Evilution, the send.
Hi all.
I sent Evilution to the lip two days ago. Sorry for the late post and the very bad image quality. The internet link is just not cutting it around here.
I sent on a very hot and humid day. On this, I grabbed the first hold of three on the jug rail. That was high enough for me as my hands started to slip. You can call me sissy, I wont mind.
Have lot's of other videos to show but it will have to wait. I will try to post more tomorrow. No guaranties there.
I am now resting for 4-5 days.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Chapter 14: Life at the Pleasant valley Pit campground
Well that can't be said for this year in Bishop. The life in the Pit is like when you go see a play: Actors are telling you a story where something cool and unusual will happen. The various actors living in the Pit are so funny, colorful, filled with ideas - not always good - and energetic that you actually look forward to rest days. Read on to find out who makes my life soo interesting and why:

ps: We call him Bobo cause he hates it.

Very quiet and always gone. Well, She goes to bed with sunset and gets up at 4am. She works at the local bakery and brings us day olds.
Clay and Greg:

Nick and his dog, Static, are from Moab. The dog and the owner are alike: Time bombs waiting for a tick. Dom's has the ideas, Nick execute. Be on the look out for fire bombs, epic bouldering days and rally racing in a pickup truck with a camper on the top. One last details: Nick believes is 'liquid meals' and never miss the opportunity to quote Skip on the subject: "Beer contains all the proteins and nutrients that you need. 'It has hops and barley, and wheat, and oats... there's a porkchop in every can"

Got to go, Keri is spinning fire.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Chapter 13: Braking the grade.
Not much to say. I rested for the last few days. Kind of afflicted with a cold. Hard to find the motivation to crank it when you are coughing and have a head ache.
Weather is nice and the Buttermilks are finally drying. Folks been going up there but you kind of needed the ‘kit’. The kit is a tarp for the mud puddles, a shovel for clearing the path from the descent back to the shoes and extra towels cause you will inevitably step in snow. Not for me thank you. Soo much nice stuff to do in the Table lands.
Yesterday, I did my first V11. It was the natural progression. I was working the grade for a while but somehow problems that I’ve chosen either screwed up my fingers (mandance) or had broken holds (exit the dragon). A bit soar today.
Stay tune for highlights of the life at the Pit. Rest days are soo easy to take this year....