Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chapter 48: Here we go.../ On y va...

Hi all,

We are in France, my Bro. and I but not all are healthy: Second day, third problem, Math. mangled his right ankle. This morning, we are testing the French health care system. Will keep you all posted.

Bon, nous sommes en France mais la sante n'est pas au rendez-vous: Deuxieme jours de grimpe, troisieme probleme et le frere se defait la cheville. Ce matin, on fait un test du system de sante Francais. Je vous tiens tous au courant.


Anonymous said...

Pour accelerer la "recovery" il faut manger BEAUCOUP de pain au chocolat.

Il aurait pas du s'assir sur mon bureau avant de partir.


Anonymous said...

hope le deux is okay!

how do you get an ankle injury in Font??

Dom said...

luckily he has the best climbing partner to help the grieving process. math. excpect nothing less than c3 candy, splitter homecooked burgers, and rides.