Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chapter 44: Grab it...

Sorry for the late post, I spent the last few days is Zurich desguised as a tourist. Nice city with old history. In the beginning of the 20th centurie, it was culturaly, technology and socialy one of the most advanced city if the Europe. Somewhere between St-Peter's churh and the University, someone came up with the idea that every child should have access to free education. In one of the side street, Lenin was brewing the Russian revolution while a few doors down, Voltaire and his friend were cooking up the French one. The University librarie was the biggest of it's kind and the train station had no rival with its 6 train tracks departing for all destinations.

It is fantastic to be here, in Magic Wood, in Zurich, in Europe, in South Africa. It is fantastic to be on the road. I am overwhelmed by the amount of people that I meet, the experiences that I live each day. We all come from different countries, have different cultures, ways of doing and dialect. Each place has something to say, a part of history to tell.

With my left shoulder chronically un-happy, I am aware that my time here will soon come to an end. I do not know what life as planned for me in the future but right now, my van is my home and it is a great place to be. I cherish every moment whether it is spent with friends laughing, playing giant chess game in the park, bouldering in the Woods or reading inscriptions on status and monuments.

Till next week.


Anonymous said...

Hey E.T

your trip looks amazing you get to see a lot of things! It is cool to get so much info about the different climbing spots...

Take it easy

jones said...



Anonymous said...

how bads the shoulder et?

Pépé said...

Thank you all for leaving your comments.

Alex: Will u still come to Font. in the fall?

Jones: You guys were really fun. Are you and Jan coming back down anytime soon?

Greg: Shoulder is unhappy and requires lot's of rest. With 30 degree on the thermometer, it is easy to do. I tried to consult a physio but in Switzerland, u need to see a medical doctor before u see a physio. What ever. I am trying to find one that is willing to bend the rules.

Dom said...

since when do you know how to play chess??