Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Chapter 15: Evilution, the send.

Hi all.

I sent Evilution to the lip two days ago. Sorry for the late post and the very bad image quality. The internet link is just not cutting it around here.

I sent on a very hot and humid day. On this, I grabbed the first hold of three on the jug rail. That was high enough for me as my hands started to slip. You can call me sissy, I wont mind.

Have lot's of other videos to show but it will have to wait. I will try to post more tomorrow. No guaranties there.

I am now resting for 4-5 days.



Anonymous said...

nice work. now pretend we were there and go send some more hard stuff. no more rest've taken enough!!!!! anyway, its only v10. why do you need to rest? no more rest days. stop thinking you are weak and go climb some really hard stuff. and more than one v10 per week please. why do i check 8a every 3 hours if you are only going to climb one problem per week.....NO MORE REST DAYS. Go climb.
Remember it might snow tomorrow. You can rest when you come home.

Anonymous said...

ok..... i just saw the video. If i count all the bumps and shit that was like 8 moves. you definitely don't need to rest. maybe you can have a couple hours tomorrow morning and sleep in or something.....but come on 8 moves of climbing. 5 days of rest. How long are you gonna be on the road for?
i know you haven't done anything else lately. i checked. you can't be tired. no rest. more climbing.

oh yeah and i don't think you made it to the top. i'm pretty sure you had a couple more moves before the lip of the boulder.......alright you'll probably tell me that wasn't the sending video.... it better not be. just trying to keep you in line. Go climb something, and no more rest days.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that wasn't the "send" video. Looked like you stopped mid move. Didn't even match the rail.

Anonymous said...

if we piss you off, remember that we have nothing better to do.

keep the posts coming by the way. i like them.


Anonymous said...

NICE WORK Pepe, on getting to the second-last hold!!!

Love ya


Anonymous said...

Close, but no cigar...

Pépé said...

You are pretty funny S. I usualy send a 10 in a day. Only twice so far did I had to come back.

Dont worry, I try hard lines. Just no success yet. I am working Belette (11) and Mystery(12). I also do easy days, like you said. I go in and do soo many easier lines in the 4 to 8 range. I just dont post it.

As for Evilution, yes, this is only a video. I matched both hands on the upper lip.

By the way, do you have any good V11 to suggest?

Anonymous said...

i remember the druidstones having a bunch of hardish stuff. if anything, you have to do THE SLOTH.


Anonymous said...

by the way, you haven't done stained glass yet.
or spectre. the chess set?. or buttermilker.

how about jedi mind tricks. and theres a couple of really tall lines in the pollen grains that aren't too hard but worth it.

and go do the fish. sword and gold tromb.


Anonymous said...

so you matched both hands on the upper lip, just not in this video then...?

JD LeBlanc said...

ET, nice work! figured i'd be the one slagging like the others ...
This route is like a budha send -

Karine said...

Felicitation pour le send!!! On aurait aime etre la pour voir ca en vrai...

Bonne continuation de ton voyage...

Karine XXX