Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Chapter 13: Braking the grade.

Hi all!

Not much to say. I rested for the last few days. Kind of afflicted with a cold. Hard to find the motivation to crank it when you are coughing and have a head ache.

Weather is nice and the Buttermilks are finally drying. Folks been going up there but you kind of needed the ‘kit’. The kit is a tarp for the mud puddles, a shovel for clearing the path from the descent back to the shoes and extra towels cause you will inevitably step in snow. Not for me thank you. Soo much nice stuff to do in the Table lands.

Yesterday, I did my first V11. It was the natural progression. I was working the grade for a while but somehow problems that I’ve chosen either screwed up my fingers (mandance) or had broken holds (exit the dragon). A bit soar today.

Stay tune for highlights of the life at the Pit. Rest days are soo easy to take this year....


Anonymous said...

Nice work. Knut.

Anonymous said...

Ben tu vois que c'est pas compilqué de remplir des lignes avec du vide ! Si t'avais une sôcisse avec toi, tu prendrais juste des rest day...