Saturday, June 28, 2008

Chapter 37: Le E van!

Bonjour a tous!

A tout mon public francophone, ca faisait longtemps qu'on ne s'etait pas jase.
Je suis presentement a Amsterdam. Je dors et me repose dans un auberge de jeunesse a l'exterieur du centre ville. La ville est a 20 minutes de metro/bus.

C'est tout simplement magnifique. L'architecture est exceptionel. Les building font 4 etages maximum. Les style se suivent, s'amalgament, forment un tout, un agencement de couleurs, de lignes continues, un spectacle visuel fascinant.

La ville est aussi tres propre. Pas d'ordures, de dechets, de papier sur le trottoir, rien. Pas de smog non plus. Les gens vont travailler en metro et a velo. Assez impressionant, il y a des velos partout et en plus, ils ont la priorite.

Autre fait etonnant, il y a de l'eau partout. Amsterdam se trouve a un altitude qui est situe sous le niveau de la mer. Ils ont batit des digues sur tout le long de la cote. Lorsque la maree monte, les canaux interieurs sont noye, creant des vois de transport tres utilise. Des gens vont meme jusqu'a vivre en permanence sur des bateaux.

Hier, je suis alle chercher mon Westfalia. Un Volkwagen 1985.

Ca se conduit comme un autobus. Un peu bizarre au debut mais on s'y fait. Tellement qu'on aime. Je peux comprendre le culte. Parce que le Westfalia compte des adeptes a travers le monde. Au moins, la transmission comporte 5 vitesses et le radio a ete chage. Je peux donc syntoniser les postes de radio et faire jouer mon Ipod. Il y a aussi le grand luxe: Table et cuisine interieur avec deux bruleurs et lavabo.

Je partirai probablement demain matin en direction la Suisse. Le tout devrait prendre 8 heures en passant par l'Allemagne. Je me rend dans une petite ville de montagne appele Ausserferrera. Serieux, pas de farces. Voici un lien, vous pouvez voir l'itineraire et ou ca se trouve.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Chapter 36: AmsterDam!

Wow, this place is cool! I've been walking around for the last 3 days. Today is rest, weird to say that you need a rest from walking.

I've seen some great things so far: De Nieuwe Kerk ( the new chuch- ), the Van Gogh Museum ( ), the Red Light district with it's windows, the parks and squares and much more. The Rijksmuseum is definitely on top of the list with the famous story high 'Night Watch' piece by Rembrandt.

The city is amazingly clean. Streets are free of garbage. People here go about their daily businesses on bikes. Put the kids in the front basket, the groceries in the back and there they go. No smog.

The architecture live up to the expectations. Beautiful in every way: The lines, styles, colors and carvings. Most buildings don't exceed 4 stories high. Water canals spread across the city like a giant web.

Boats are a way of transportation and housing for some. Mature trees provide shadings throughout the city. Stone paved little alleys filled with artisans, pubs, coffee shops and street entertainers make up most of the old down town. Wondering around markets and squares, sitting on benches, sipping on a Lattes, I could do just that for a while.

I have to admit, I always thought of myself as being into 'brunette' but since I am here, I'm developing a strong interest in 'blond with blue eyes'. They are everywhere!

Today, I am picking up the 'E van of love'. Tomorrow is shopping for pots, pans, plates and all one's need on the road. I should be getting on the road to Switzerland Sunday or Monday morning.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chapter 35: Farewell!

This is the last post before heading to Europe. I am well but tired, really tired. I need to rest. Amsterdam will be perfect for doing just that. I apologize for those who are writing to me and don't get replies. I write back but messages usualy don't make it across the pond.

Till the next post, here is one of the Frenchies, Raphael, linking the 'Arch babysitter' with a price tag of V8.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

chapter 34: Magical 'cedar spine' arrete.

It is raining again today. Yesterday, I was able to capture this video of are Spanish friend Tonyo sending 'Cedar Spine arrete'. One of the most beautiful line of the place.

Sadly, the Frenchies from Font. are leaving tomorrow. We all agreed to open another bottle of whine once reunited in France.

I also open an email account with Yahoo since hotmail had become completely un-reliable. Some of you wrote me, I replied but most of you did not get it. Hopefully, we will be more lucky in the future. Here is the address:

Finally, if you had enough of those annoying 'brand-power' advertisement on tv, well, we have it too in South Africa. Can't watch the news without being told that 'Coco-Puff' cereals are part of a complete breakfast. It is a world wide take over.

chapter 33: Breaking it again.

Today, I did my first V12.

Hopefully, it wont be the last. Nothing else to say, nothing else to show.

More to come soon.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Chapter 32: The end is the beginning, part II.

This part of the road trip is close to an end. I will be leaving South Africa on the 22th of June heading to the Netherlands. Why the Netherlands you ask? To pick-up a campervan in Amsterdam. "The E van of love" as Luke put it. I should be spending about a week in the city of the Red Light District and the ever green grass.

After the smoke lift up, I'll be heading to Switzerland for about a month to explore the Magic Woods. The plan was to stay longer in the Woods but two Austriens convinced me that I had to come and visit their bouldering meccas. Sure, why not? Hope Austriens in general speaks more english then my new friends otherwhise I'm in for lot's of fun.

What about Font? Don't worry, France is in the plan for September/October. Fontainbleau is mandatory but Tony is currently twisting my arm to get on the road with him for a tour of it's favorite areas of the hexagone. O Lord, not enough time, not enough energy.

11 days, that's all that remains to send my project. Progress is made each time I walk to it but it will be tight. Ask Josh about 'the f**ck**g sharp crimps' line on the 'tea pot boulder', he gave a few burns leaving skin behind.

Again, all apologies for not providing the weekly movie and pictures. With all the power outage, it is just impossible to make the up load.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Chapter 31: Amazing...

Today, I witness an amazing send. So much I would give to be able to capture the event it but all went so fast. I turned the corner to spot my friend. When I came back he had already started. Making is way flawlessly to the crux move, all was going well. He set the foot and launched. A scream, right elbow up, feet cutting loose but this time, he held.

Tony Lamiche was on top of Fred Nicole 8C (V15) line in only two days of work.

As for me, I am taking it easy for the next few days. My body hurts and I climb like crap. I need to rest a bit before the last leg of the trip. When all is confirmed, I will let you all in on my travelling itinerary. Meanwhile, this is a movie of Theo, one of the Frenchies, sending Ulum Batar -V8. Harder than it looks.

I apologize for the quality of the video. The internet link is so bad that I have to considerably reduce the quality of the images if I want it to go through.